LSK 4077

Qing Li



Supply chain management, Behavioural economics, Business analytics


Qing Li’s research focuses on retail operations, revenue management in hospitality industry, supply chain management, and business analytics. In recent years, he has worked with global manufacturers, online retailers, startups, auction houses, social media companies, and logistics providers and hospitals on their operations problems. He has published his research in journals such as Operations Research, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Operations Research Letters, Naval Research Logistics, Production and Operations Management, IIE Transactions, and Management and Business Review, and has served as an Associate Editor for several journals above. His writing has also appeared in non-academic outlets such as Hong Kong Economic Journal (香港信报), The Paper (澎湃), and The Southern Metropolis Weekly (南都周刊).

At HKUST Business School, Professor Li teaches courses related to operations management, project Management, supply chain management and business analytics at different levels. He now serves as the Director of the HKUST Li & Fung Supply Chain Management Institute, a cross-discipline institute that aims to build excellence in supply chain management.


Du, L., Q. Li, P. Yu. 2024. A sequential model for high-volume recruitment under random yields. Operations Research, 72 (1), 60-90.

Yu, P., Z. Zhang, Q. Li. 2023. Traffic channelling under uncertain conversion rates on e-commerce platforms. Naval Research Logistics, 70 (1), 34-52.

Li, Q., P. Yu, L. Du. 2022. Separation of perishable inventories in offline retailing through transhipment. Operations Research, 70 (2), 666-689.

Li, Q., C. S. Tang. 2022. Unlocking the value of innovative selling: Information and options. Management and Business Review (MBR), 2(3), 54-57.

Li, Q., P. Yu. 2021. The secretary problem with multiple job vacancies and batch candidate arrivals.  Operations Research Letters, 49, 535-542.

Chen, T., X. Gong, Q. Li, H. Xu. 2021. Multi-season production planning under export quotas. Naval Research Logistics, 68 (3), 279-294.

Li, Q., C. S. Tang, H. Xu. 2020. Mitigating the double-blind effect in opaque selling: Inventory and information. Production and Operations Management, 29 (1), 35-54.

Du, L., Q. Li, 2020. A Data-driven approach to high-volume recruitment: Application to student admission.  Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 22 (5), 942-957.

Li, Q., P. Yu, X. Wu, 2017. Shelf life extending packaging, inventory control, and grocery retailing, Production and Operations Management, 26 (7), 1369-1382.

Li, Q., P. Yu, X. Wu, 2016. Managing perishable inventories in retailing: Replenishment, clearance sales, and segregation, Operations Research, 64 (6),1270-1284.