Climate change anxiety in China

HKUST IEMS Thought Leadership Brief No. 84


Kim-Pong Tam, Hoi-Wing Chan

Climate change anxiety, marked by negative feelings and significant impairments in functioning, is observed among one fifth to one third of respondents in Chinese research samples. Climate change anxiety may lead to the development of broader mental health issues, such as depression and generalized anxiety. Some sectors in the Chinese public (e.g., the elderly) appear to be more susceptible to the experience of climate change anxiety. Policy strategies aimed at identifying susceptible groups and implementing effective and scalable interventions are recommended. 

本文基于近期的研究,探讨了中国气候变化焦虑症的流行情况及其与心理健康问题的关系。研究发现,约五分之一到三分之一的受访者表示,由于气候变化问题而感到焦虑、担忧或受到损害。 此外,研究还发现老年人和直接面临气候威胁的人更容易受到影响。气候变化焦虑症还与抑郁和广泛性焦虑症状的增加有关。 请点击此连接下载简体中文版

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